M&A et Private Equity : où est passée la reprise ?

En difficulté depuis au moins 2 ans, les marchés du private equity et du M&A n’en finissent pas de repartir. Face aux incertitudes, les cabinets de conse...

Advention in Private Equity Magazine’s ‘Special 20 Years’ edition

Les rencontres d'experts

Le Figaro on China mentioning David Maurizot and Advention.

Face au durcissement de Pékin, l’angoisse des patrons occidentaux
De hauts cadres d’AstraZeneca ou de Volkswagen ont été arrêtés. À l’heure de la reprise en...

Engaging at IPEM China 2025: New Perspectives and Opportunities

Last week, Alban Neveux, Advention Group CEO, and David Maurizot, Advention Asia Managing Director, attended the IPEM (International Private Equity Market) C...

Advention sponsors 7th annual Private Equity Europe Forum in London.

For the 2nd consecutive year, Advention sponsored the Private Equity Europe Forum in London, put on by the Markets Group. The key highlights from this year...

2024 CFNEWS External Growth Awards with Advention

Advention was the proud sponsor of the 2024 CFNEWS External Growth Awards, with award winner Isabelle Chouvet, Co-Founder and CEO of the Independents :

Interview with Alban Neveux, CEO of Advention

Interview with Alban Neveux, CEO of Advention was just published in Consultor, France's prime website on strategy consulting:

Advention’s own Alban Neveux (Senior Partner and Group CEO) interview with Claire Valentin

Advention’s own Alban Neveux (Senior Partner and Group CEO) interview with Claire Valentin, Chief Strategy Officer of Exosens during the second edition of t...

Advention sponsors 12th annual Private Equity Forum in New York.

For the 3rd consecutive year, Advention sponsored the New York Private Equity Forum put on by the Markets Group. This year’s event highlighted the impact of...

During the COVID-19 crisis, Advention Business Partners remains fully operational to assist its clients

Seth Greenwald joins Advention Business Partners

We are proud and excited to welcome Seth Greenwald in Advention’s New York Office. Seth joins us as a new Vice-President and will strengthen our operations in the USA as well as our expertise in Me...

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