Advention proud multi-recipient of awards in 2015

In 2015, Advention was proudly awarded:

An overview of all of our awards is available here.

Advention named on Forbes list of world’s best management consulting firms - August 2022

David Maurizot discusses China's Strategic plan in EURObiz

David Maurizot, Advention’s Managing Director in China, has published an article on ‘Made in China 2025’, one of China’s current strategic plans, in the latest issue of EURObiz, the European Chambe...

Advention proud sponsor of the first edition of the Private Equity Forum MENA in Dubai on April 19th 2017

The Private Equity Forum MENA will explore the capital flows, the challenges of building regional portfolios, investments strategies and the LP/ GP relationship. Find out how local investing is dr...

Advention proud support of the CFNEWS Awards for External Growth

Advention is a historical sponsor of the ‘CFNEWS Awards for External Growth’ organized in Paris for the past ten years.
For the first time this year,  this ...

Advention integre le top 10 des cabinets de conseil en stratégie

Advention Business Partners entre dans le club des cabinets de conseil en stratégie et top management à forte notoriété le classement annuel de la revue Décideurs Magazine:

Advention strategic advisory partner of the last ‘Grands Prix Private Equity Magazine 2018’

Advention was recently on stage as the strategic advisory partner during the last ‘Grands Prix Private Equity Magazine 2018’ held at the Folies Bergères Theater in Paris in front of 700 guests from...

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